Shake 'N Walk Elephant

Shake 'N Walk Elephant is an animated toy released by Bandai in 2011. It is based on the character from Tinga Tinga Tales, who's called 'Elephant'. He comes with a figure of Red Monkey, who you can place on Elephant's back. It appeared at the 2012 London Toy Fair.

The toy requires four AA batteries, while one of the maracas you use to control Elephant require 3 AAA batteries.


Elephant is purple, has a pair of yellow eyes looking to the left, a white tail tip, and white tusks. The inside of his ears is black with irregular shapes that have are outlined in red, black, and white. The figure of Red Monkey has no legs, a beige face and tummy area, blue mouth, and yellow eyes. The figure of Monkey is smiling while holding yellow, mango-shaped maracas.


Elephant sways his head to the left and right as he walks either back or forth, and the figure of Monkey sways left and right as Elephant walks. If you shake the left maraca, Elephant moves backwards, but if you shake the right maraca, he moves forwards. You can shake both maracas to hear sound effects and a musical tune. Elephant has a walking mode and a dancing mode, and the off switch can be used to switch to either of these modes.


In these pictures, the figure of Elephant appears to be a lighter shade of purple, and the maracas being held by Monkey and the ones being used to control Elephant are orange instead of yellow. The maracas in the first picture also appear to have the same picture as each other, but the picture each maraca has does not seem to be one used on any of the maracas for the released one. Also, the outline for Elephant's eyes looks brown instead of blue, and you can better see the two circles that are on his ears.


