Home2 Robo or Home Home Robo (ホメホメロボ) is a robot by Tomy that was displayed at the
Tokyo Toy Show in 2000. The robot doesn't seem to have been released.
Home2 has a head shaped like a gray rectangular prism with a large pair of eyes
on his face, close to the top of his head. He has two, yellow, hollow conical frustums on
the left and right sides of his head, and an open mouth with two visible front teeth and
a short row of bottom teeth. His teeth are gray and are molded on. His body is gray and
shaped like a rectangular frustum. He has a pair of gray arms with darker gray rings around
them (or possibly dented rings on his arms?). He has a meter reader on the front of his body
with a red pointer inside (I don't know if it actually moves). He has a pair of black rectangular
feet. I can't quite tell if his eyes are dark blue or black since the image is low quality.