The Bondage Poo-Chi (ボンテージプーチ) was displayed in the official Japanese Robo-Chi website's gallery under the "Dressed-Up Poo-Chis" (ドレスアッププーチ) heading. It's not known if it was released.
I can't tell what material the outfit is made from, but it looks like leather. I'll just refer to it as "fabric".
This Poo-Chi wears a black hood around its head, and a black cover around its snout and upper jaw. The cover around its snout has a crescent moon on the right and left side of the Poo-Chi's snout, and a few spots (one blue and another silver) are on top of the leather covering the Poo-Chi's snout. A silver spot can be seen on top of the Poo-Chi's hood. The ears are covered with a silver, smooth, shiny material, with a black dot in each corner of the ear, and a black star in the middle of the ear. The underside of the ear covers are black. The tail is covered in black fabric, and Poo-Chi has a black shield with three silver/gray stars, hanging from the hook on his chest. Poo-Chi appears to have two black straps that keep the outfit on him. Poo-Chi has a black fabric strap around each leg, near his foot. Each strap on his front legs has silver/gray spots.