Sunflower Poo-Chi

In 2000, Takara's e-hobby website began offering a campaign where if you purchased a Sunflower Poo-Chi (ひまわりプーチ), you would additionally receive a Mainspring Poo-Chi (ゼンマイ・プーチ), which is a windup toy.

About the Poo-Chi

It was designed with a summer theme in mind, and was referred to by a Zdnet article as the second "colorful Poo-Chi", as it was released after the Sakura Poo-Chi. The Sunflower Poo-Chi was limited to 1,000 units, and you could purchase one for 3,980 yen.


A paper that comes with the windup, seems to imply that the windups were sold in the three color variations (blue and silver, pink and silver, and green and silver) just like how Tiger Electronics sold the windups in the three color schemes under the name "Poo-Chi Mini Pet".

It's unknown if Sega Toys had also sold the windups separately, but I can guess they did. Otherwise, what would be the point in listing all three colors in the paper that comes with the windup? You would not receive a Mainspring Poo-Chi as a bonus if you purchased a blue/silver Poo-Chi, a pink/silver Poo-Chi, or a Momiji (もみじ) Poo-Chi from e-hobby.

