Polka Dots Poo-Chi (水玉プーチ)

Official Description

おいしそう・・・ (Looks delicious...)

Don't worry, nobody is eating this doggy!


The Polka Dots Poo-Chi (水玉プーチ) was listed under the "Painted Poo-Chis"(ペインティングプーチ) heading in the gallery on Sega Toys' Robo-Chi website. This Poo-Chi isn't confirmed to have been released.


A white a blue color scheme! Poo-Chi's primary color (used for the body, legs, and muzzle) is white, while his ears, leg caps, and tail are blue and translucent. Poo-Chi is covered with blue spots all over his head, body, muzzle, and legs.
