Zweifel Figures

Mini Robo-Chi figures were sold with Zweifel's JouJoux brand of chips at one point, and while actual i-Cybies were not sold with the Robo-Chi branding on their boxes, i-Cybie figures were included in this promotion. The paper only mentions the Robo-Chi brand, as if i-Cybie is a member of it.

The back of the paper slip mentions a sweepstake where you could win a Chirpy-Chi. If the paper slip mentions you won, you could send it to the shown address.

It doesn't show every toy you could get. The standing and lying i-Cybie figures were produced in gold, and blue. It also doesn't mention that the figures in this promotion appear to be pencil toppers (except for Chirpy-Chi).

There are keychain versions of Meow-Chi which have been seen on websites selling second-hand items, but I can't verify if the keychains were a part of this promotion or if Zweifel did another promo where keychain Meow-Chis were included.

There is also a promotional image showing the Robo-Chi characters and two i-Cybies with keychains attached, but I don't know anything about those, other than the fact that HPH AG featured them in a product catalog, showcasing various toys and novelty items they produced over the years.

I can't verify if the keychains were sold separately or were a part of another Zweifel promo with the same characters.


Ignore the Tech Pets figure in the last photo. All photos here are from different listings.
