Space Rescuer is the name given to silver robot dog and cat keychains. Guo Kai is the only company known to have sold them, but other companies may have also sold them. In addition to being sold with English packaging, the dog version was also sold with Japanese packaging.
The dog and cat versions of the toy stand on their hind legs, while they have a gatling gun attached to their right arms. The cat has three black stripes on top of its head, black inner ears, and a black visor that's shaped a little oddly. The dog has a black nose, a black, rectangular visor, and silver, floppy ears.
The figures have a button on their chest, and when you press it, their guns are supposed to light-up, and the robots are supposed to make sounds; the dog is meant to bark, and I'm assuming the cat is supposed to meow (knowing how generic and knockoff toys can be occasionally, I'm hoping they didn't reuse dog noises for the cat...). The display box for them mentions they can also sing.
Cat and dog versions of these fans were produced. The company that sold these is unknown, but aren't these neat?