Automaton Power

Automaton Power is an animated toy robot from an unknown company.


It is only known to come in two variations.

Version 1

This version is silver with a purple helmet, a white face, chrome silver decorations on its legs, gray shoulders, gold hands, and a gold ring around a blue, translucent spot on its chest. It comes with a chrome silver shield.

Version 2

This one is blue, with chrome silver shoulders, red arms, a chrome silver gun and shield, and gray feet. It has a red helmet with a green visor, and a red, translucent spot on its chest, with a silver ring around it.


According to the box, it plays music (likely a copyrighted song the creators didn't get permission to use), its chest and gun light up, it walks forward, and its head and body can turn at a 90 degree angle. It looks like their eyes are also supposed to light up.