Crawl Robot

The official name for these toys is unconfirmed, as there are no photos of them in boxes, but the one this page uses was originally used by the company to refer to the toys. They were sold by Shenzhen TWM Technology co., Ltd.

Version 1

They are weird creatures that resemble a chubby caterpillar with eight legs, small bumps on its back, an eye on the left and the right side of its face that light-up, a little smile on its face, and a short nose with a red dot on it.

They are known to have been made in four color variations:

Version 2

There's only one photo of it known to exist, showing it from the front.

This was very likely released after version 1, as the product number is TWMrobo-0002, while version 1's product number is TWMrobo-0001. Unlike the first version, it certainly does not look like a caterpillar, and it certainly does not look smooth. Its eyes are larger, and it's only known to have been made in a black color scheme with red eyes. Its eyes are much larger, and it does not have a little smile on its face like version 1. Its mouth is wider, and its body, legs, and head have a rough appearance. It has eight legs, like version 1, and it does not appear to have a little red nose.


The toys can move around. When they encounter an obstacle, they make noises, the lights in their eyes flash, and they pretend to be dead for a moment, before moving away from the obstacle.