Machine Dinosaur

Machine Dinosaur, also known as "Dinosaur" and "Robot Dinosaur" (机器恐龙), is a bootleg, walking Roboraptor from an unknown company. A different, unidentified company appears to have sold it as "Robot Dinosaur" with some characters from "Konglong Baobei" on the back and front of the box.


I am bad at writing these descriptions and have omitted some things. Don't mind me.

It can come in either a yellow variation or a white variation.

The yellow variation is mostly yellow (ofc), with silver spikes and black spots that go from the start of its tail, to the end of it, and a silver neck area, beneath its jaw, with black curves painted on. The area where each eye is is painted black, and the back of its head has a black outline, and something silver that looks like it's meant to be a piece of armor with silver spikes. The rim of the top of its wings is silver, with silver claws attached, and each leg has some short, black stripes. It also has three, silver bands painted on its back.

The white dragon is mostly white, with black spots and yellow spikes on its tail. It has some short, black lines on its left and right legs, a yellow neck area with black spots, beneath its jaw, and something like yellow armor on the back of its head, with yellow spikes. The back of its head has a black outline, and its eyes are surrounded by a black patch. The top rim of its wings is yellow, and has yellow claws.

The dragons have translucent, red eyes, a red tongue in their mouths, and each of their wings has a claw attached.


It roars and slowly flaps its wings, as it walks. Its eyes have flashing red lights, and its tail sways left and right, as it walks.

While it can come pre-built, the "Dinosaur" version and sometimes the "Machine Dinosaur" version will require assembly.



The first video has no sound, for some reason.
