Mechanical Lizard

Mechanical Lizard is a knockoff version of Trendmaster's Muy Loco, a robot chameleon. The company that made Mechanical Lizard is unknown. It is said to be 130 mm in height and require 4 AA batteries.


The bootleg looks a lot like Muy Loco, with some differences. Mechanical Lizard has larger, green dots on its knees, its back feet look shorter, and the green, translucent plastic on its back is not pointed. Mechanical lizard has nostrils, green pupils that do not jut out of its eyes, the green circles for his lower jaw are smaller, the horn on his face does not look as curved, and the green plastic on top of its head is translucent, instead of opaque. Mechanical Lizard also has a red tongue with a black tip, and according to the box art, its tongue looks like a red cable.


According to a listing, the toy can make noises, stick out its tongue, walk, blink its eyes, and move its tail.
