Robot Rabbit

Robot Rabbit (机器兔) is an interactive toy by Haier. There’s not much information about it. The toy requires 2 AAA batteries, and its original price was 117.50 yuan. The price for ordinary members was 69.80 yuan, while the price for club members was 38 yuan. The product number for this toy is HRBTYRABBIT-01.


The rabbit’s ears are slightly flopped, and it has a bit of hair above its eyes (a part of the toy’s mold btw). It has two buck teeth, a little nose, and a weird tail in the shape of a stick with a flat oval placed on top of the end of the tail. It two pairs of legs, and the back legs are the same as the type of back legs used for a variant of T-Cat 2000. It has three toes on each foot, and a pair of translucent eyes. The toy has an ON/OFF switch at the back.

Color Variations

Robot Rabbit is only known to come in two color variations. One variation is completely silver with the ears, tail, and feet being orange and translucent. Another variation exists where the toy is white and the translucent orange parts are actually opaque. The opaque version was shown at the Canton Fair in 2000. Here is a link to a photo that was taken on the 16th of October, 2000 where you can see it in the background.

While I did mention it comes in two color variations, I did come across a weird version of it where it looks like it has been painted yellow. I could find no information on the photo, and the title of the dead webpage it came from mentioned a company name: 沈阳市中倍德贸易商行 (Shenyang Zhongbeide Trading Company) You can find details about the image here. The source of the image itself is dead and was not archived via the Wayback Machine.


Haier’s website describes this rabbit as the smallest and best-behaved robot in Haier’s line of robotic pets. If you ignore it, robot rabbit will get angry and go to sleep, but if you wake it up, it will happily sing for you. I’m not completely certain, but this toy might be voice or sound-activated (I’m thinking it could be a sound-activated toy). If you get its attention, it will dance while shaking its head and singing.


A patent for the toy, featuring the silver and orange variant, can be viewed here.
