Transforming Dinosaur

Transforming Dinosaur aka Transaurus (变形恐龙) is an interactive, transforming robot dinosaur sold by Leba (乐霸), aka Shenzhen City Rong Shengfa Plastic Products Limited (深圳市荣盛发塑胶制品有限公司).

I don't know if they are knockoffs of anything or where the music they play came from, but I think they're really cool.


Unlike Mechaceratops, Transaurus transforms from a tank into a robot dinosaur; it does not have the upper body of a humanoid robot attached to the tank like Mechaceratops Tank Squadron.

Transaurus comes in a shiny, green variation (with some brown spray paint on its head and body) and a silver variation. It resembles a long-necked dinosaur, with small, pointy teeth (the left, front, and right sides of its jaw were shaped to look as if they have pointy teeth). Like Mechaceratops, it has some stickers on its body.

The green version has translucent, red eyes with translucent, green guns, while the silver one has translucent, red eyes, with translucent, blue guns.


It has three play modes:

Dinosaur mode

Use the remote to make the tank transform into a dinosaur, by pressing the dinosaur button. You can then use the remote to make the dinosaur move back and forth, or turn its head left and right.

Tank mode

Referred to as "Robot mode" in a listing photo for a Mechaceratops. You can transform the dinosaur into a tank, and get it to turn left or right, and move forward or backwards, with the remote.

Dance Celebration Mode

Transform the tank into a dinosaur, using the remote, and press the 'D' button, to get it to play music and dance, as its lights flash.

Prototypes & Patents

Patents for Mechaceratops and Transforming Dinosaur attribute the designer of the Stone Man robot, Xu Jiahuan (徐家煌). The earliest known design patent was filed for Transforming Robot in July 2008; three design patents for Transforming Robot are known to exist, while Mechaceratops has one design patent known to exist.


First Patent

The application date is the 23rd of July, 2008. The design registration date is the 2nd of September, 2009.

Second Patent

Applied for on the 5th of December, 2008, and registered on the 6th of January, 2010.

Third Patent

Registered on the 14th of October, 2009. Applied for on the 10 of September, 2008.

