Exosaur 2.0

The Adventure Force Exosaur 2.0 robot dinosaur was sold by Walmart, under their Adventure Force brand. Two alternate versions of it exist, including one named "Tyrannobot", which was sold by Anko, according to a listing from an online retailer, and a "Dynaforce" version of Exosaur 2.0 sold in the U.K., where the robot appears to be gray instead of silver.

The toy requires three AA batteries.


This cyborg dinosaur has silver legs and arms with gold spines on its head and gold claws. It has a silver tail, the top of its head is red, and it has cream colored teeth. Its eyes and the spines on its back are blue and translucent, and you can see some of the dinosaur's flesh near its neck, arms, and legs. The spines on its back are outlined in silver.

The Anko version features yellow head spines and claws, and the spines on its back are missing the silver outline. The spines on its back and the plastic for its eyes have specks of glitter, and this version of the toy appears to be fully robotic, as you can't see the dinosaur's skin. Its teeth are silver, its eyes are bigger, spines on its head are a different shape, and a minor detail near its jaw, a small molded-on pipe on the left and right sides of its mouth, is missing from this version of the toy. There are horizontal, black stripes on the back of its body, and the tail for this version clearly has a gun attached, but for the Walmart version, the gun appears to be a part of the tail.

There are plenty of other details on it that are different, but I'm not going to go into more detail.

The Dynaforce version, aside from being a gray version of Walmart's robot, is missing the silver outline that the spines on its back are supposed to have, and a circular piece on this version's arms isn't painted gold.


The Tyrannobot has red lights in its eyes, while the Adventure Force Exosaur 2.0 has blue lights in its eyes.

These dinosaurs roar, open and shut their mouths, and move their arms up and down, as they move their legs while walking. It also makes shooting noises, stomping noises, and it has electronic sound effects.


Exosaur 2.0

Dynaforce Exosaur 2.0


