
A GIF of Choco Robot moving her head and arms

Choco Robot aka Choco is a robot created by the robotics club at Zayed University. There is hardly anything known about it, unfortunately.


Describing this one is a bit tricky since we only have a low quality GIF of it.

Choco has a dark blue, gold, and silver color scheme. Her eyes look like a pair of binoculars, her face and head are mostly blue, excepting the area around each eye and on her head inline with her eyes, which are gold. She appears to have a small red, mouth, and a green dot in each eye (unless they were edited in when the GIF was created). Choco has a pair of silver arms and her shoulders resemble silver spheres. Choco's hands look like gray/silver claws, and she has a black circlular bump on the left and right side of her head. She has a very thin, silver neck, a blue chest area, and the area closer to her neck is gold. She has a horizontal rectangle which looks white or silver, and a red vertical rectangle beneath.

The left and right side of the vertical rectangle are gold, and Choco has two raised circular bumps on her right, one which is fully painted gold, and the other that is outlined in gold, and there appear to be two gold, painted lines that connect the circles vertically. The center of Choco's body has a white/silver circle which is surrounded by four diagonal gold lines, where the bottom two lines, each, are connected to a vertical golden line. Choco has no legs; just a blue base with a golden triangle in the right and left bottom corners on its front.


Choco is only mentioned to have been used for demonstrations in the robotics club at Zayed University's campus in Dubai.

"Robotics Club does many different activities, for example, they built the first robot called Choco. Also, they organized a workshop, taught students about computer hardware and demonstrated Choco."

Most info about Choco can be assumed from the GIF on this page that was also on the website. The GIF shows Choco moving both arms, turning and raising her head, and the GIF also shows that Choco has a green dot in each eye. I could guess they are either lights or cameras, but I don't know. Choco has joints where her elbows are, which could imply she can bend them.

Zayed's Club (Summary from the Geocities Website)

Below is just a summary of information about the robotics club from the Geocities website. Zayed's Robotics club is still around today, but some information below from the Geocities page seems to be outdated. I've included the below information only because the page was written when Choco was still being used by the university. I don't know if they still have or use Choco.

Zayed's robotics club was founded in 2000. Members would build robots using LEGO and then program them via NQC with features such as AI. They organized a workshop where Choco was demonstrated and students were taught about computer hardware. Members were to meet every Sunday and Monday for about an hour, and students from any program such as Readiness, GE, or a major, could join it.

At the time the webpage was written, there were 2 regular members of the club, and members were responsible for choosing the officers fo the club by voting, spending their budget on new LEGO kits for building robots, participating in meetings, and building robots and programming them.

Students could borrow equipment from the library or buy new equipment with the club's budget. The club's advisor was Mrs. Erika Mitchel.
