Thinkie is an interactive, Furby-inspired toy cat by Thinkway Toys, distributed in Finland and Sweden by Marketing Group (MG). The box also has Dutch translations, but I'm not sure what the other MG division listed on the back of the box is.
It requires 9 AA batteries, and the toy may have been from 1999.
A brown Thinkie. Photo by @littlefandompotato on Tumblr
Thinkie sits upright, has Furby-like eyes, a white muzzle with a pink, plastic nose, a tail, a pair of arms with white paws, and a pair of white feet. It has a pair of ears and whiskers, painted-on eyelashes, and something like a round badge on its chest, which has the infrared sender and receiver. Its inner ears are white, and the little badge on Thinkie has three, small, pink paw prints on it, and can come in purple or green. The badge is also shown to come in blue.
Its eyes can move up and down, it blinks, it can move its left and right paws in a circular motion, wiggle its ears, and open and close its mouth when speaking. It can talk to, and apparently sing with, another Thinkie via infrared, and, if you press its left hand four times, you can play a game with your Thinkie cat, where you cover its eyes and uncover them. Additionally, Thinkie responds to being pet on the head, being fed with your finger, having its paws pressed, being tickled, and having its back rubbed.
The box mentions, "I can blink my eyes, wiggle my ears, and move my mouth and hands," but if I am not mistaken, it also mentions Thinkie can tremble??