
OB90 is an unreleased robot designed by Turlingdrome for Tiger Electronics.


OB90 is a silver robot with a pair of eyes that look like binoculars, a hexagonal, gray nose, a screen on its front, and a raised bump on the left and right sides of its head.

The screen on its tummy has a gray frame, a red ‘enter’ button, two green up and down buttons, and two yellow screws that look like they’re holding the screen’s frame in place. The robot has dark gray arms and legs, silver claws, and blue shoes with small, yellow bumps on them.


Three OB90s are known to have been made, and the robot was demonstrated at the 2001 New York Toy Fair. The AP archive shows footage of it playing music, speaking in a robotic voice, turning its head left and right, and displaying pixelated musical notes on its screen.